Halloween Face Paint May be Hazardous to Your Health !!
Evidence from the Ecology Center in Ann Arbor, Michigan have linked novelty face paint to cancer-causing agents. Every single one of the 31 types of face paint that were tested at the center were found to contain some type of heavy metal. More than half of the products contained cadmium, which has been found to cause cancer, birth defects, and brain damage. Other toxic heavy metals like mercury and lead were also detected. Even more disturbing is the fact that the popularity of these products is mostly centered among the younger population. Children are especially at risk because their developing brains and bodies are particularly susceptible to heavy metal poisoning. The paint manufacturers have assured the public that the heavy metal contents are within legal limits, but health advocates claim that these limits are far too high anyway. More testing on how permeable the skin barrier is to paint is needed. So next time you want to dress up as a blood-sucking vampire or courageous lion for Halloween, consider the consequences and perhaps choose a mask instead of face paint!
Full article can be found at: http://www.naturalnews.com/034003_face_paint_heavy_metals.html

Full article can be found at: http://www.naturalnews.com/034003_face_paint_heavy_metals.html
wow! that is scary. i wonder if these heavy metal paint includes the face paint used at carnivals and amusement parks where face painting is a big attraction for younger kids