Tap water contaminated with hexavalent chromium |
Although it is suspected that hexavalent chromium (chromium VI) is toxic in drinking water at certain levels, the EPA has recently said that more experimentation is needed before a drinking water standard can be established. Currently, the EPA has only set standards for total chromium, but when it was discovered that chromium VI may be carcinogenic to humans, things were reevaluated. While the EPA claims that they are following this procedure in order to collect enough sound scientific evidence to be more certain that chromium VI is in fact toxic to humans, environmentalists fear that the EPA is waiting for an industry-funded study. Sadly, I would not be too surprised if this was the truth, for the EPA has put money before public heath in the past. Read the entire article
What's the major source of chromium 6 into the drinking water? I think it is kind of shocking that it is known to be carcinogenic, but their stated deadline isn't for 3 more years!!!