25 April 2012

Methane Contamination of Groundwater

In Rachel Carson's Silent Spring, she discussed the negative impacts of pesticides leaching into groundwater.  The negative impacts were mainly seen by their effects on biological systems in the 1960s.  However, currently there is a rising controversy lately over the natural gas industry.  This article describes the recent litigation arising from claims that "fracking" or the extraction of natural gas has led to an increase in methane contamination of groundwater.  As this groundwater is used for drinking, and other daily needs, the controversy has risen over whether this can be proven for a fact or not.

1 comment:

  1. This part of the article was shocking: "Chesapeake later denied in its answer to the complaint that methane's presence in the water would render the Magers' water unusable." Wow. It really makes you think about the ethical implications of people in positions of power.
